Author:Matt Bruenig
I Have a Piece in the New York Times
It is about Starbucks and the NLRB.
Quick Reaction to Harris Policy Proposals
Some good. Some bad. A lot of meh.
Tim Wu Does Not Understand the Welfare State
No redistribution of factor payments will ever obviate the need for the welfare state.
What About Wages?
Real wages took a hit for the first couple of years of the Biden administration.
One More Time on the Economy
Three different arguments happening simultaneously is leading to a conceptual mess.
Imagine a Central Income Distribution Institution
It's a good idea and a useful intellectual exercise.
How Has Wealth Changed Under Biden
Developments in household wealth also explain why some are dissatisfied with their finances.
The Economy Versus the Economic System
Understanding objections to the Biden economy.
How to Think About Chicago’s Municipal Grocery Store Proposal
State ownership frameworks are important.
Wealth Distribution in 2022
Wealth inequality is as it has always been. But it doesn't have to be.